Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Pedalling, toes, heals or ball of your feet

if you are trying to learn to pedal in circles focus on the ball of your feet, the metatarsals, the contact point with the pedals, not your toes or your heel. if you focus on either of those you will either point your toes too much and end up clawing back with your toes and this may cause cramp in your feet, sometimes clawing is due to having the saddle too high because as you have to lift your heel at the bottom of the stroke to get through the bottom of the stroke this shortens the leg extension. if you push down through the heal too much you could end up loosing power, also this could be due to the saddle being too low, because as you push the heal down you lengthen the leg extension.

One way to focus on the ball of your feet is to set your bike on the turbo and close your eyes (only do this on the turbo!) then picture in your head the ball of your feet and the pedal, the contact point, push them all the way to the bottom, pull (stroke) them through the bottom, pull them up and finally push them through the top, try to forget about your toes and your heals.

The above is my theory and observations on pedalling.

more to come later......

Saturday, 12 January 2013

training 12th Jan 2013

TrainingPeaks below


Felt hard after long day at work, but for each 10 min SS, watts were 231.6, 231.0, 231.3 and 231.0

HR high on last 2 efforts as i was over heating as hadn't drank enough during the day (apart from coffee!) felt deydrated.

That's 30 watts added for same effort since 24th Dec, 3 week block finished, now for an easy week!


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Training 8th Jan 2013

Traingpeaks link below


Below is the avg for each 10min sweetspot over the last 2 weeks

    Avg     28/12/12.    29/12/2.   1/1/13.   3/1/13.  5/1/13   7/1/13   8/1/13
1 Watts.     201.3         205.9       212.8     211.5    213.3     217.5   224.4
   HR.                           147.8       150.5     154.2     150.7    151.4   152.0
    RPM.       95.5          98.9          99.4     98.3        97.7,      94.4     94.3

2 Watts.   200.5           203.6       209.4.    212.5     213.3    219.9   224.1
    HR.                          152.9       154.7     157.7    155.8      157.8  158.2
    RPM.     96.6             98.7        99.3        97.7      97.4       93.7     94.2

Watts.   198.3           205.9      208.9      211.5.    213.1     219.4  223.8
   HR.                          158.5.      154.3     158.4      158.7    161.2   160.0
   RPM.      96.1.           99.7         99.2      97.5         99         93.8     94.9

4 Watts.   193.0.          207.3      208.4.     212.6    213.5       218.5  223.1

    HR.                          158.8      156.9      159.7     158.2      161.5  162.2
   RPM.      93.1           100.0        99.4        97.6       98.2        93.8    94.9

Monday, 7 January 2013

Training 7th Jan 2013


Gear change on this session, so cadence has come down, HR slightly higher but didn't sleep well, but this session felt easier than the last but 5 watts up on the 5th Jan http://cadencesport.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/training-5113.html  , legs coming back quickly without pushing

Updated http://cadencesport.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/only-started-training-on-241212-2nd-mid.html

Training 5/1/13


Sunday, 6 January 2013

Short 5min turbo warm up

This not for everyone but I've found works ok.

This is for when short on time, if you are using power this is ideal, works best if you have an idea of your 5min avg power.

A longer warm up is better but this short WU will get you started.

1.30 brisk
30sec at 5min power
30sec easy rec
30sec at 5min power
30sec easy rec
30sec at 5min power
1min complete stop, no pedaling
Start session with in a few seconds of pedalling again.

The 30sec 5min power just lift to your avg power and hold there.

Training, 1 Jan 2013


Speed is a little out on the SRM trainer by the way?

Back to training, Mid life crisis number two!

Only started training on 24/12/12 (2nd mid left crisis, 50 next year!) haven't trained for 3 years due to crash, breaking clavicle and elbow which required 5 ops over about 18 months, then I opened my shop 18 months ago. I've ridden about once a month in that time and about 100watts from where I would like to be, well in my 23 year old head but maybe not my 48 year old body!

I haven't got lots of  time, family and work commitments, so set myself the challenge of getting fit on 3 to 4hrs a week, which will mainly be on the turbo (well a posh SRM trainer) for ease of time, as it is all set up at work, I live and work in the same village so no commute and if I go home I won't get back out of the door to train. Also it is a bit of a training/coaching experiment.

So this is the session i will be trying to do 3 maybe 4 times a week, 5min WU, 4 x 10min  sweat spot 90-95% of FTP  5min rec between. Started on the 24th with range of 188-198, so 2 weeks i have found about 20 watts, I have another week of SS before easy week, I lot of the gains so far are me just finding my legs again, but trying to nudge the watts up with each session, same perceived effort and watching what the HR does for each 10min effort, with the aim of gaining10 to 15 watts a month.

At my age I should know better, but you only live once.

Below is the avg for each 10min sweatspot 

    Avg     28/12/12.    29/12/2.   1/1/13.   3/1/13.  5/1/13   7/1/13   8/1/13  12/1/13
Watts.     201.3         205.9       212.8     211.5    213.3     217.5   224.4    231.6
   HR.                           147.8       150.5     154.2     150.7    151.4   152.0    151.1
    RPM.       95.5          98.9          99.4     98.3        97.7,      94.4     94.3     96.6

Watts.   200.5           203.6       209.4.    212.5     213.3    219.9   224.1   231.0
    HR.                          152.9       154.7     157.7    155.8      157.8  158.2   159.3
    RPM.     96.6             98.7        99.3        97.7      97.4       93.7     94.2   96.5

Watts.   198.3           205.9      208.9      211.5.    213.1     219.4  223.8    231.3
   HR.                          158.5.      154.3     158.4      158.7    161.2   160.0  162.4
   RPM.      96.1.           99.7         99.2      97.5         99         93.8     94.9   96.8

Watts.   193.0.          207.3      208.4.     212.6    213.5       218.5  223.1  231.0
    HR.                          158.8      156.9      159.7     158.2      161.5  162.2  164.3
   RPM.      93.1           100.0        99.4        97.6       98.2        93.8    94.9  96.6